Posted on 08.07.24 by Allan Grant

In Praise of the Podcast

There have been countless thought pieces about the inexorable rise of the podcast market and what we can learn from it. Which is why I’m going to give you another one. You… Read More

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Posted on 17.03.23 by Allan Grant

It’s Leadership, Stupid

The question I’m asked the most by corporate clients and many of the keynote speakers we work with is “what are you being asked about at the moment”.  Answering this isn’t as… Read More

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Posted on 01.06.20 by Allan Grant

10 Weeks of the JLA+ Briefings

This is a follow up on the excellent feature by my colleague Adam Harkness, written at the end of April. Adam highlighted some of the initiatives that JLA, as a speaker bureau,… Read More

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Posted on 11.01.18 by Allan Grant

The 2018/19 JLA Index

This might sound like I’m trying to toe the party line. But I’m excited. Very excited. As I type these words, I think can actually hear a the faint sound of a… Read More

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