
28 Portland Place


07 February 2012



We showcased three high profile speakers offering their perspective on challenges at home and abroad…

As the debate about ‘fairness’ continues on the front pages and in the Occupy movement, the bestselling philosopher AC Grayling considers everyday ethical issues – and how we can be “good citizens of the business community.” He might have also mentioned his New College of the Humanities, which opens later this year charging academically elite students £18,000 a year.

General Sir Mike Jackson was Head of the British Army until 2006. Applying first hand strategic experience to the challenges facing any big organisation, he argued that every leader must be ruthless: “Mark out the objective, work out the resources required to get there and get on with it.” He also offered his view on the instability in Iran and across the Middle East.

Andrew Pierce’s perceptive right-of-centre political journalism is required reading for its insider’s view of parliament. After twenty years on The Times, Andrew was then assistant editor of The Daily Telegraph. He knows everyone in the Westminster village and his ability to ferret out scandal and gossip means that he has a reputation for breaking stories that the great and the good might prefer kept quiet.

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Top 5 Tips for Motivating Your Workforce
Posted on 10.02.25 by JLA

Top 5 Tips for Motivating Your Workforce

Keeping a team engaged and motivated is crucial for maintaining workplace productivity, innovation, and overall job satisfaction. As the year progresses, it’s essential that businesses prioritise motivating employees to ensure sustained success…. Read More

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Reasons Why Your Conference Needs a Keynote Speaker
Posted on 28.01.25 by JLA

Reasons Why Your Conference Needs a Keynote Speaker

In today’s highly competitive and dynamic business landscape, the success of a conference event relies heavily on its ability to engage, inspire and inform attendees. One way to do this is by… Read More

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